Friday, January 29, 2016

DCC-DUNE: The Human Computer

"Welcome Baron, I see you brought you Human Computer to this meeting. Note m'Lord is suspicious of persons to similar to the dreaded Thinking-Machines of yore. We will be keeping an tight eye on him for security reasons. One mistake in our eyes and you'll be hauling that robot back in pieces."

Today we'll be exploring the Human Computer character class (which is obviously inspired by the Mentat from Frank Herbert's Dune). I had a lot of fun figuring this class out, and as always these ideas are still evolving. So with out further ado lets dive in.

Piter De Vries by Mark Zug

Human Computer

You are a walking information database in the guise of a human. You are the result the Hundreds Year War against the Thinking-Machines and the inevitable evolution of mankind. You're an adviser to a Great or Minor House, a ware strategist or calculated and skilled assassin.

With the ever present fear of a resurgence in Thinking-Machine rule, no Great or Minor House is complete without at least one Human Computer. Through compartmentalizing your brain you are able to function just like a machine while retaining a level of humanity the cold bodied machines cannot.

With enough information you can enter a Processing Trance in order to come to a decisive and correct conclusion of any situation.

Hit Points: A Human Computer gains 1d6 hit points at each level.

Weapon training: A Human Computer is trained in the use of the blackjack, cutteray, dagger, flip-dart, hidden poison, hunter-seeker, lasgun, maula pistol, rapier, stunner, shig-wire garrote and throwing knives.

Alignment: Human Computers are usually Neutral. In that way they can see every side of a situation to determine the best outcome and are not skewed by their own judgement. Human Computers may however choose to be Lawful and will usually show signs of absolute loyalty to the House they have been assigned and may lose sight of  a situation as a whole, adding penalties to their Processing Trance checks. Alternatively, Human Computers that have been twisted will become Chaotic, choosing then the best outcomes that suit their needs and suffering penalties to their Processing Trance checks.

Processing Trance: A Human Computer, using the data provided, can formulate the best solution to any situation presented. During a Processing Trace the Human Computer will add his Intelligence modifier, plus any additional modifiers from the data provided or penalties from alignment chosen, to the roll against a hidden DC determined by the Judge. If the Human Computer hits or exceeds the DC they have formulated the best outcome possible. If the Human Computer fails the check then they were either not provided enough data or provided false data and have formulated the wrong outcome.

Depending on the outcome of the check, positive or negative modifiers will be added to the situation throughout the adventure until another Processing Trace check with new data can be made. If the outcome was positive these modifiers are provided in the form of a Data Die according to the level of the Human Computer.

Programming: At 1st level and following every other level afterwards, a Human Computer may decide on a type of programming that will aid in a particular skill set. A programming type may be taken three times by a single Human Computer, making him all the more resourceful in that particular skill set.

  • Assassin - You have a vast database of knowledge concerning poisons, specialty weapons and human anatomy. Add the following skills and points depending on your level as an Assassin.
    • Level 1 - Add the skills Backstab, Sneak silently, Hide in shadows, Disguise self, and Handle poison. You may put +4 points in one skill, +3 points in two skills, +2 points in one skill and +1 point in one skill.
    • Level 2 - Add +4 points into any skill(s) of you choosing.
    • Level 3 - Add +6 points into any skill(s) of your choosing. Additionally, Master of Assassins title is granted.

  • Diplomat - You have a cunning tongue and a natural ability to negotiate. Add the following skill and points depending on your level as a Diplomat.
    • Level 1 - Add the skills Forge document, Disguise self and Espionage. You may put +4 points in one skill, +3 points one skill, +2 points in another skill.
    • Level 2 - Add +4 points into any skill(s) of your choosing. Add the Propaganda skill.
    • Level 3 - Add +6 points into any skill(s) of your choosing. Additionally, Master of Diplomacy title is granted.

  • Strategist - You have a great understanding of the art of war. During any Processing Trance check that involves a strategy, be it espionage, attacking, escaping, etc, you may add a positive modifier to your roll depending upon your level as a Strategist.
    • Level 1 - Add a +2 modifier to the roll. Ability to speak your House's secret Battle Language.
    • Level 2 - Roll +1d higher and add a +2 modifier to the roll. Ability to communicate House's secret Battle Language with Hand speech.
    • Level 3 - Roll +1d higher and add a +4 modifier to the roll. Ability to attempt to break another House's Battle Language. Additionally, Master of Strategy title granted.

Luck: A Human Computer's Luck modifier applies to Processing Trance checks. That modifier does not change as the Human Computer's Luck score changes.

Languages: At 1st level a Human Computer knows two additional languages for every Intelligence modifier point.

Action dice: A Human Computer use his action dice for attacks or processing trances.

Crit Die/ Table
Action Dice
Data Die

Title (Lawful & Neutral)
Title (Chaotic)

In Conclusion:

I really can't wait for the day when I can finally play-test these ideas. I personally like this class the best of all the classes so far.  Like every class I want to add the ability to use the Fumes (aka the Spice) to aid in the Human Computers processing trance, like the Sapho juice in Dune.

Up next we'll look at the Imperial Medic!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

DCC-DUNE: The Guild Seer

Continuing from my last post, today we will focus on the Feudal Universe wizard class:

Guild Seer

You are a sorcerer of the highest order, a seeker of knowledge, a conduit to the stars. You are one of a fewer gifted humans belonging to an organization known only as the Guild. As a Guild Seer you are sent out to aid or hinder the feuding houses of the Landsraad with one singular goal: THE FUMES MUST FLOW. The Fumes give the Seer his power and without it he would become lost within the complex trappings of his own mind.

Guild Seers are those fewer humans of the Young Kingdoms adept at the Weirding Ways taught by the Felfenkin so long ago. Taken from birth by the Guild these adepts are placed into Fume-chambers and instructed to transcend the physical planes, learning to fold time and space itself, for without Guild Seers the Imperium could not be properly maintained. Space travel would take months if not years to reach other star systems. The Guild and the One and True Sanctified Emperor of All know this all too well and there is a continually power play between to two factions.

Hit Points: A Guild Seer gains 1d4 hit points at each level.

Weapon Training: A Guild Seer is trained in the use of the dagger, chandler pistol, flip-dart, lasgun, maula pistol, rapier, staff, stunner. Guild Seers rarely wear armor, as it hinders the Weirding Ways.

Alignment: A Guild Seer is taught the importance of Neutrality. Rarely do they stray from the path.

Weirding Level: Inhalation of the Fumes gives the Guild Seer his power, without it he is lost. The Guild Seer must inhale a level of Fumes within a 24 hour period equal to the level of Weirding Ways he wishes to perform in order to cast the power. When casting a Guild Seer adds his Intelligence modifier combined with the Fume intake modifier to the roll.

Weirding Ways: The powers of the Weirding Ways are dangerous to the mind, body and souls of the Guild Seer. At 1st level the Guild Seer has received doses of Minor Corruption from his exposure to the Fumes equal to his Intelligence modifier. (For example a +2 Intelligence modifier equals 2 rolls on the Minor Corruption table.) The Guild Seer begins his journey with the knowledge of 3 Weirding Ways, these spells are determined randomly.

Fume Isolation: Upon leveling up the Guild Seer may choose to isolate himself in a fume-chamber. Here he will dwell upon the universe hoping to expand his mind. If the Guild Seer is successful he may rise his Intelligence score, thereby raising his modifier to aid in casting the Weirding Ways. (More on this later.)

Luck: A Guild Seer's Luck modifier to rolls for corruption and mercurial magic.

Languages: A Guild Seer knows two additional languages for every point of Intelligence modifier.

Action dice: A Guild Seer's first action die can be used for attacks or Weirding Way checks, but his second action die can only be used for Weirding Way checks. At 5th level, a Guild Seer can cast twice in single round, the first with a d20 and second with a d14.

Crit Die/ Table
Action Dice
Max Power Level


In Conclusion:

Here I've mentioned more about Fume Addiction/ Corruption when concerning the Guild Seer. They are after all only human, unlike the Felfenkin and cannot fully use the Weirding Ways. The corruption they gain is akin to the Navigators in Dune being all knowing, but crazy fish-like bulbous shapes.

As you may have also noticed I didn't mention a caster level with this class. My idea here is that again, they are only human and must use the Fumes to cast the Weirding Ways. To gain in level, as far as casting goes, they must expand there minds in a isolation. If they succeed they may be able to raise their Intelligence score, if not they may suffer more Corruption and must try again upon their next leveling up.

So there we have it! The next time I post about DCC-DUNE we'll look at the Human Computer class!

Monday, January 25, 2016

DCC-DUNE: The Felfenkin

It's been quite a while since I've posted about this side project and there are numerous reasons for that, but fret not I will try and maintain a consistent pattern with these posts. 

(Before we start let me point out again that this is an ever changing idea. I have previously written about the spice like substance of this universe called "guzzoline," because I wanted a weird mix of Mad Max meets Dune, but have since changed my mind as it doesn't quite fit the more Dune-eqse vibe I actually want. Hence forth the substance in this universe (which is a vapor or fume from a particular Nebula) will just be referred to as the Fumes.)  Okay... moving on to the first new character class:

The Felfenkin

So basically this is the elf class in DCC combined with the Melinboneans from the Elric stories and of course the Fremen from Dune. It won't fully come together until I figure all the other rules changes like Fume Addiction, etc, but for now here it is:
You are a strong, tall and slender race hailing from the Fume Nebula on the outermost reaches of the Known Universe. Your pale complexion shimmers like moon beams and your pointed ears and rippled foreheads give you an almost demonic overture.

Your people, once proud and powerful, have been shunned by the Young Kingdoms of Mankind; whose crude superstitions and warmongering have brought nothing but ruin, and forced your people to become separated,tribal, living in hidden cities buried beneath the asteroids that clutter the Fume Nebula.  Feuds between these tribes is no longer uncommon occurrence.

The longevity of the Felfenkin greatly over extends that of any other race due to their heavy overexposure of the fumes. Highly addicted, the eyes of the Felfenkin have forever been changed, swimming colors of blue and orange. Due to this addiction, the Felfenkin are masters of the Weirding Ways, yet can never be without the fumes or suffer greatly. Therefore, if any a Felfenkin leaves the Nebula they must wear a fume-suit or dwell within a fume-chamber.

The extended lifespan, combined with their strange appearance and Weirding Ways have created many legends about the Felfenkin.  There are many among the Young Kingdoms that believe the Felfenkin commune with entities beyond the veil and that from these strange beings the Weirding Ways originated.

Hit Points: Felfenkin gain 1d8 hit points at each level.

Weapons training: The Felfenkin prefer melee weapons to projectiles and are trained in the use of the axe, club, dagger, felfkin rifle, kindjal, longsword, maula pistol, spear, staff, solar-blade, throwing knives, whip and xorm-tooth blade.

Because of their Addiction Level, Felfenkin characters begin play with a fume-suit.

Weirding Level: Weirding level is a measurement of a Felfenkin's supernatural power. A Felfenkin's weirding level is equal to his level as a Felfenkin. For example, a 2nd-level Felfenkin has a weirding level of 2.

Patrons: Centuries have past since the Felfenkin taught mankind the art of the weirding ways, but never did they reveal the innermost secrets of their race, nor from where such power originates. A Felfenkin automatically receives the weirding ways invoke patron and patron bond at 1st-level in addition to his other weirding ways.

Infravision: A Felfenkin can see in the dark up to 60'.

Immunities: Felfenkin are immune to magical sleep, paralysis and the voice.

Vulnerabilities: Felfenkin are extremely addicted to the fumes. As such they must always wear a fume-suit or be in a fume-chamber or suffer extreme addiction penalties. (This is something new I'm adding to the rules and will explain at a later time). Prolonged periods without fumes cause 1 hp of damage per day.

Heightened Senses: Felfenkin are astute, observant and quick. All Felfenkin characters receive a +4 bonus to detect secret doors, falsehoods, subterfuge and hidden movement.

Luck: With their extended lifespans, Felfenkin have ample opportunity to practice their weirding ways. At 1st-level, a Felfenkin's Luck modifier applies to weirding ways checks on one particular power of his choosing. That modifier does not change as the Felfenkin's Luck score changes.

Languages: At 1st-level, a Felfenkin automatically knows Common, the Ancient Speech and their Tribe's Dialect.

Action Dice: A Felfenkin's action dice can be used for attacks or weirding ways checks at any level. At 5th-level, a Felfenkin can use two weirding way powers in a single round, the first with a d20 check and the second with a d14; or he can make two attacks, the first with a d20 attack roll and the second with a d14;or he may combine and attack with a weirding way check.

Crit Die/ Table
Action Dice
Max Power Level

In Conclusion:

There are obviously some changes mentioned here.  Some new weapons, spells are now called weirding ways, though in game terms they are pretty much the same, however I am planning to takeout a lot of spells and adding a few new ones in before it's all said and done.

For every character class, not just the Felfenkin, I want using the fumes to aid in their abilities to come with consequences.  I haven't quite figured it out yet, but the Addition Level will hinder that character in some way and it may never be reversed (maybe...). So by the time your character is at 5th Level and you've been inhaling fumes the whole game, you should be in pretty rough shape if you go without it for some time.

Well that's all for today, up next... the new wizard class: The Guild Seer!

DCC DAY 2022

Hello everyone! DCC DAY is fast approaching and surprisingly enough there are no FLGS in my city that are hosting... But I shan't let th...